Anger: Did Jesus sin?

Sometimes I get angry. Something happens, and the red fog descends. I’ve been known to get very angry, very quickly, and often with little or no reason for it. I even get angry at people for doing something to me, that I do to them. Ahh the joy of double standards... And so this has raised a question in my mind; If anger is a sin, how come God and Jesus got angry? Saint Augustine said: “Hope has two beautiful daughters. Their names are anger and courage; anger at the way things are, and courage to see that they don’t remain the way they are.” To be honest, I’ve never considered anger to be a thing of beauty. When I think of anger, I think of myself not being rational, being violent, shouting, and saying or doing things I’d never normally do. And all too often I do these things to the ones I love. So what’s different about how I get angry, and how Jesus got angry? Let’s take a look at Matthew 21:12-13: Jesus entered the Temple and began to drive out all the people buying...